Affordable professionally designed websites.
When analyzing whether or not to go the rout of a do-it-yourself website you need to consider how much time you are willing to spend designing a website that will not only look good but will function properly and format well for mobile devices. It maybe worth your investment to have us design your website. Our web design services are affordable.
What is your time worth?
On average you can easily spend 8-12 hours building a 3 page website that may look good or may look amateurish. You will need to edit photos and format them so they work well on your site. You will need to make sure your website is loading in 3 seconds or less. If not you will lose customers. Customers usually “bounce” if they encounter a slow loading website. You also need to keep the size of the front page of your website to under 1 megabyte. You can put your DIY website to the test here:
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Get started and have us design your website
Other considerations when designing a website include whether or not Google and other search engines are able to properly scan your website and read your content. Just because you do have a website does not guarantee that it will show up on search engine results pages (SERPs). Ensure that you are using descriptive titles for your main website name and your pages. The title needs to be 60 characters or less. Also be sure when writing an introductory paragraph that you include key phrasing that most of your visitors are searching for.
Locally target your customers by inserting your business address and general service area. Linking your site to Google maps and your Google business page are vital. If the search engines do not find your website what is the purpose of having one?
The Design for Your Website
When you do build your website remember to add these key concepts and elements into your website.
- What separates you from your competition? Do you offer any specialty services or products?
- Broadcast loud and clear any specials or deals that you are offering. Also make sure to clearly display your contact information.
- Do you have online reviews? Share them with a link to a third party website like Yelp. Make sure the link opens a new tab or window so that the customer will still have your site loaded onto their browser.
- Use big colorful photos of your business, products and services. A photo is worth a 1000 words and nobody likes to read long paragraphs of writings on the front home page of your website. It makes the site look dated if you have a massive amount of writings on your home page.
- Include an about us page, tell us about your back story why you are in business and what motivates you to provide outstanding service to your customers. You need to always sell yourself.
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About Herb Techmer
Our passion is helping small business owners grow their businesses by providing them with the best professional digital marketing services available. Building mobile friendly modern affordable websites is the fist step to helping them gain market share in the competitive online market place. If you are Local to Naples, Fort Myers & Cape Coral give us a call and we can stop by to meet with you.