Get More Visitors to Your Website for Free

Engage Your Website Visitors
Google search engines rank websites using user experience as part of their metrics. Google is able to see how long a user is on your website and how they interact on it. The google bots also evaluate which content they find relevant based on time on page data. The more relevant content you publish that engages your visitors the higher you will rank on google page results. With that higher page ranking you will see a noticeable increase in visitors to your website.
Create Fresh Content
You will need to write (blog) fresh articles at least weekly. Google bots are always hungry for fresh relevant data to feed into the system. Google strives to provide the latest website content for a relevant user experience on the Google Search platform. Ask yourself this, Would you want to read an article or online review for a HD flatscreen TV from 2013?
For more help and learning about how to write the best blog articles read 5 SEO tips for creating search engine friendly blog articles
Getting Ranked on Google is FREE
In order to get more visitors to your website and achieve better Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a small business owner you will need to spend at least an hour or two once per week writing an engaging article for your customers and visitors to your website. The more articles you write the better.
I understand this can be a challenge. Many businesses hire part time or full time marketing professionals to help meet this demand. You could also search out and hire part time college English majors to help you create content for your website (also called a copywriter).
Once you publish your articles to your website's blog feed you will then need to share it across all of your social media outlets. Check out this article for 5 SEO Social Media Tips.