Front Page Search Results – 5 SEO Social Media Tips
One of the best ways to get your website listed on the front page of search engine results is to build up your business's social media presence.
- Get your website address link published on major social media outlets like Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. by setting up free business accounts. This helps with search engine rankings.
- Share your blog articles, photos and videos with your fan base and all of their friends will see your posts too. Make sure you add cool photos or videos of your products or services that are easily likable, clickable and sharable.
- Social media outlets like Google+ just love videos so be sure to share videos from YouTube. This will give you good search engine moxie.
- Facebook is huge. Let's put it like this. The vast majority of people check there email more than twice per day. Over the last decade this behavior pattern has transferred over to Facebook for Generation X and older. Gen X will probably be on Facebook until they die off 40+ years from now.
- When focusing on millennials be sure to hit up Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Once you build up a following try live streaming a workshop or product demonstration. Predicting the social media habits of millennials in the future is a challenge. When they start getting a little older (becoming uncool by default) 10 years from now, they may migrate over to Facebook too. We know most millennials do have FB accounts. We have to understand that future economic spending will start to be driven by millennial consumption... if they ever move out of their parent's basement... LOL!!!
FREE FaceBook Business Page
Lets keep things simple for now. Start off by setting up your Facebook business page and fill it up with cool photos, articles and video. Next Start inviting your FB friends and acquaintances to like your FB business page. Also if you would like to upgrade your website to get this Facebook Business Like Button widget placed on your website just contact me here. This will help grow your Facebook fan base and it is easier, faster and more successful to market to people vs. an email marketing campaign.